Monday, September 26, 2011

As My Cerebellum Drops a Meadow Muffin

Why must colonoscopys be so painful. All I ask is that I may have butt polyps removed with the aid of a CCD camera with little to no pain in my tender ass hole. The sloppy fat of an undisclosed fat man is jiggling as he walks on a Sunday afternoon. What may the fat man be pondering perhaps the recent love affairs of Batman. (Spicy love affairs I may add.) As the paedophile mall Santa touched me at the ripe and tender age of 4 he muttered but a few words " keep holding on kid your great." As my butt polyps act up I sit here scratching my haemorrhoid fearing yet another painstaking colonoscopy. my mukluks scream as the jelly-faced woman all sneeze and the one with the moustache says jeez I can't find my knees. My extendo neck cranes down the shirt of Desmond. 

May Desmond enter you always.

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