Monday, October 31, 2011

Merry All Hallows' Eve


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Damn Communists

Would you like some ear wax dressing on your semen salad sir, and would you like to add carbonated pickle juice and hummingbird beaks to make it a meal? Stoned Teenagers buying plastic wrap featuring Ian Gillan on the drums. Eat the baby fat it will guide you give you laser vision so you can shoot Greedo first. I'm a' slippin' all over the place this is such smooth jazz. EGADS! My nipple fell off! Would you be a lamb and help me find my missing nipple. You walk through the land of Cybertron and cross the border into Bedrock you see a man in a rhinestone jumpsuit with pink angel wings attached to it. Your phallus grows larger in excitement. As you get closer you see he is not any ordinary glandularly challenged fellow he starts doing Tai Chi. As he is in the process of switching from step back and repulse monkey position to the carry tiger and return to mountain position you cannot contain your excitement you dart across to him to make sweet love to the beautiful man he says two words "bulbous shuttlecocks" and he is gone. Pick your nose with a rusty coat hanger, pick your nose with a rusty coat hanger early in the morning.

May Desmond enter you always.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unparalleled Abortion Clinic (Free Salami with Every Visit)

Moby Dick cocked his gun and said there was more to cum, I thought he was nuts but I guess I rubbed him the wrong way I wasn't gonna whack him around, he liked it rough. Rusty lemons attach the nipple clamp Kronk ELECTRIFY! Thilium and Thalium. The wheezing fat Italian eats a burger. Mmmmm how orgasmic, the ketchup drips onto his sweatpants he licks it up and with a twinkle of his eyebrows he is gone. The Morlocks are coming. As you ride the cowboy his yams harden, keep on truckin' broski. xXDr4g0n_Sl4yrlolz666911Xx challenges you to a duel. McGruff the crime dog says: "Get in my van kids I have candy in there!" Eat yo' eggs Clarence they's getting cold. Make love not Comic-Con. Donald together we can rule the multi-verse.You walk into the bathroom, you see Jack Nicholson shaving his pubic hair, you leave. BANG! I stole your lungs and taught a class of Mexican school children calculus. And that's the end of that story. Balls a' blowin'.

May Desmond enter you always

Friday, October 21, 2011

Eternal Brain Salad Lobotomy.

Slurp down your butt cheek milkshake we're going on an adventure. The groaning sweating pale gold Mexican wrestler chomps down on his bacon strips NONE SHALL PASS he bellows in a commanding tone. He swings his ugly stick and womps you dead on the noggin'. Fester Chester is the bester. Snnnnnarf. Erotic bagels swinging wildly in heat roaming the streets hot, loud, kissing the earth. Exit the weaving and onto the 45th annual Jolly Ranchers Watergate jamboree (fun for the whole family!) Such a free feeling to swim naked in highway ditches. The air is so crisp letting you unwind while you flex your naked body propelling about in a highway ditch. Some say it is uncouth. Well to that I say it is a counterculture movement, a way of expressing your dangling thoughts. And that my friends is the meaning of life: naked highway ditch swimming. Men, grab your Spandex jumpsuits we're going paint balling! Crouching jungle cat theif of danish pastry's we must find and skin the damned feline. Inside of every sasquatch embryo lies a glimmer of hope to retrieve our pastry's

May Desmond enter you, always.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Beyond The Cosmos as Sanity Exits Through the Back Door

The labyrinth of trees sing ever so softly the chorus line of I hope I get. Heads roll. Do not trust your bath mats they are stealing your semen. Across the room a fat man stares into your pecs, brushing his long wavy hair as it glows in the sunlight. He seductively beckons you to come closer. Lets gyrate around the clock tonight tonight we're gonna gyrate around the clock tonight. A large man approaches you and hands you a pack of canned farts saying only these words: North Dakota... , bitch I love you. Folding across the sea I AM THE LIZARD KING, I DO AS I PLEASE. I delved in the loose buttocks of gyration. I come across the land of the land of the people of the fanny pack. Eldward the Mr. mojo risin'. Embroider the steel metric ass ton of America! Beseech shoving up the bum and splish splish splishing. Gypsy seahorse wearing purple rainbow pants stylin' and profilin'.

May Desmond enter you always.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Impeccable Finninbrum of Flin-Flon

Disclaimer: I apologize for the late blog post I was abducted by aliens studying the affects of cyanide laced sprinkles on the human body. Disclaimer part 2: As you may have noticed I have included ads im not selling out im just jewish. As Rutagar Ballfarm perches on a flaming deer anus and ponders by virtue of how to pickle human spleens. He gazes across the room to see the Bulgarian farm yard whore skims bare her pubic fluff. The friendly neighborhood troll squats while drinking a goblet of strawberry flavored jellied aardvark fat whilst exclaiming "The moon landing was staged." Fire logs howl at the moon plotting the destruction of the very sensual republican party. Can we be so blind every day millions of small children are swallowed by Gabe Newells fat rolls. Aghast the vixen sunlight Dick Cheney masturbates vigorously to the sounds of two wolf mating. The blue headed trolls climbs the tendrils of of truth only to reach Desmond.

May Desmond enter you always.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Ballad Of Billis The Homemaker Part .2

Dedicated to Raniel Ralden for letting me harvest his organs. "But wet fart is rising" says I and proceed to shoot Rush Limbuagh directly through his left nut. I watch it as it explode with a fury of juices. I am happy. I crawl into the reaches of my new Ford Naked President, I listen to the radio DJ as he announces his plans of burning his wife with napalm. I envy him. I pull into the Sexy Sal Family Restaurant. "Spotted dick with a side of neeps" I say. Minutes later the waitress arrives with a plate of crispy ant testicles and creamy breast milk dipping sauce. "Thou craven wayward open-arsed swine!" I yell at the top of my lungs."This isn't my dick where is my dick" I say ruefully and proceed to shoot that swine of a waitress with a .60 calibre fully automatic M2 Browning machine gun (purchase one to protect your family.) I am sad.

May Desmond enter you always.