Disclaimer: I apologize for the late blog post I was abducted by aliens studying the affects of cyanide laced sprinkles on the human body. Disclaimer part 2: As you may have noticed I have included ads im not selling out im just jewish. As Rutagar Ballfarm perches on a flaming deer anus and ponders by virtue of how to pickle human spleens. He gazes across the room to see the Bulgarian farm yard whore skims bare her pubic fluff. The friendly neighborhood troll squats while drinking a goblet of strawberry flavored jellied aardvark fat whilst exclaiming "The moon landing was staged." Fire logs howl at the moon plotting the destruction of the very sensual republican party. Can we be so blind every day millions of small children are swallowed by Gabe Newells fat rolls. Aghast the vixen sunlight Dick Cheney masturbates vigorously to the sounds of two wolf mating. The blue headed trolls climbs the tendrils of of truth only to reach Desmond.
May Desmond enter you always.
I couldn't help but notice that you added ads to your blog (much like mine) but you did not include a disclaimer saying that you are not selling out to the man.
ReplyDeleteI simply adore your new background it is really quite dapper.