Sunday, November 20, 2011

Angus P. Mortimers Traveling Show of Freaks

This man is leaking applesauce at an alarming rate we must patch him up posthaste. Squeeze my lemon till the juice runs down my leg. You are sentenced to having you scrotum cut off with a rusty license plate. I would like a full order of fellatio and a medium supersonic death ray.Bumper babies twice the fun of bumper cars and twice the mess. The Antichrist is a Republican. Gas mask fetishes. Charlie, those grubby immigrant kids from down the block are eating your flower garden again. McCains hot dogs: now with 56% less circus animal meat. Be sure to season your pubic hairs before consumption. A scrumptious parade of anus fingering. William Raudeefard shall we retire to the fornication chamber? If you wish Cheryl. I. Lock your doors the anus bandit is coming to town. Gravity! That's preposterous. My wife took my action figures and hid them on top of the fridge. Damn wife pisses me off sweet Jesus I can't stand her. It is uncanny how shiny your buttocks is.

May Desmond enter you, always

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